Monday, April 6, 2009

A proper practice for human truth seekers

The clock shows 0102 as I start typing this. Work hours will be hurrying up to us, brought on all the more quickly by sleeplessness (yes, it's sarcasm). A dear friend of mine cajoled me into beginning a new entry to sate the teeming masses. Don't step on each other as you cue up to the virtual billboard. But what should I write? I previously laid grand expectations: a philosophical journey tempered by sage/bardic wisdom of times gone by. I guess daedalian projects always are grand. They are quests for freedom. [Did not Daedalus and Icarus fly away from their prison?] Let all else fail, the search for truth is a search for freedom: Freedom from a world ill-perceived and irrationally grounded...Freedom for a world that at last can breathe in and out fully in an endless day of Spring (even death leads to life)!!

However, I do not mean to strip away the agonism that defines, contours, and polishes humanity. A proper question, though, would be to know if there is room for agonism or an opposition if humanity were to fully "realize" itself? Nietzsche said to beware the Last Man and compared him to cattle. The Last Man is a fatted calf that may have all the basic necessities, but has no passion for life and mires himself in the rot of dead thought and dead custom and history uncritically lapped upon. This is not what we want to be.

But move somewhere we must, so where should we go from here? What is a proper "end state" for man. I truthfully say that this question is beyond my own reasoning; however, whatever system of human (being) -being we decide to practice must never attempt to fill the room for competition and agonism, lest all cultural movement cease.

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